• Photo of Ari Goldberger
    Ari Goldberger
    Registered Psychologist
    Ari is a registered psychologist with Psychology Board of Australia (AHPRA) and has been practicing for over 10 years in a wide area of practice, including mental health hospitals, correctional facilities, drug and alcohol centers and private practice. Ari takes a person-centered and strength-based approach to therapy, aiming to work together with you to identify the “root” of your problematic issues and heal it with a new-found, wiser perspective. His passion lies in helping and guiding clients to heal from past emotional trauma that is stuck in the body and subconscious mind. The modalities that he specialises in is Emotional Processing Therapy (EPT), Inner Child Healing, Somatic Experiencing, Mindfulness based-Guided Meditation Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Throughout his years as a psychologist, Ari has come to believe that most mental health issues stem from past unresolved trauma and intra-psychic conflicts that the client might or not be aware of. These sets of traumas often remain hidden as they have been repressed in the subconscious mind and body, yet they indirectly cause one to feel “stuck” due to attracting and experiencing so much cyclical negativity in their life. Many adults report that they are plagued by the same themes in their life whether they feel constantly not good enough, insecure, guilty, abandoned, sad, fearful, unable to authentically connect to others, or they find themselves constantly self-sabotaging “good” things in their life.
    Ari believes that unhealed negative feelings lie dormant deep within our consciousness and need to be purged in order that that we can function normally from our authentic higher selves. Healing from the past requires a process of surrender and “letting go” whereby these feelings need to be processed from a place of love, strength and courage. I believe that all human beings have an innate power of strength within them, however this cannot always be realized due to “old programs” that are concealing this potential. Neglecting or continually escaping from these ‘pain bodies’ of the past will only result in symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, isolation, self-sabotage, addiction, and other mental health issues.
    Overall, Ari strives to help clients build a higher level of self-awareness so they are able to finally free themselves from their false self (ego) and move forward in life. Ari understands that your problems are unique and thus ensures that his approach is specific to your needs. Ari values authenticity, compassion and a direct approach to help you empower yourself to “let go” of what is holding you back inside. Although this level of change requires an immense amount of courage and trust, the rewards are often immeasurable and indescribable.

    Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (2006)- Monash University
    Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology (2007)- Australian Catholic University
    Masters of Psychology (Counselling) (2012)- Monash University

    Emotional abuse
    Employee Assistance Program
    Panic Attacks
    Personality disorders
    Physical Abuse
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Sexual Abuse
    Workplace Bullying
    Workplace Issues

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy
    Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
    Emotionally Focused Therapy
    Inner Child Healing
    Somatic Experiencing
    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
    Internal Family Systems
    Patient Focus
    Older adults
    People with disabilities
    Culturally and linguistically diverse communities